Cisco Blogs / Michael Aossey
Michael Aossey

Solutions Architect
I realized very early in my professional life that I could turn this love of all things tech into a way to pay the bills, and I have been making money doing things that I love to do ever since. I have been doing technology related work since about 1999 when I worked as a PC and server repair tech for Gateway (remember the cow boxes?) while I was in college. Fast forward to now; I am a Solutions Architect designing collaboration solutions for large scale Contact Centers at a telecommunications provider in the mid-west.
Software Defined Contact Center
If you are a technology professional, then chances are that you are aware (maybe to the point of annoyance) that everything is getting defined in software these days. We have Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC), Software-Defined Storage (SDS), and the list goes on…