
Kim Austin

No Longer with Cisco

Until recently, I was the senior manager for digital and social marketing for Cisco Collaboration Marketing. I've spent 18 years at Cisco and have been surrounded by high-tech since it became "a thing." I learned BASIC programming on a PET computer with an external cassette tape drive. I remember when the land where my office is now was an orange grove. (And that doesn't make me all that old...)


September 24, 2017


7 Reasons to Zip Over to WebEx

No business is an island. With apologies to John Donne, it’s a sentiment even truer today than in his 17th-century writings. We all rely on others for survival. The ability to connect for a quick chat was much simpler in Donne’s era. Or was it? Even if most of your employees are one place, it’s unli…

August 2, 2017


How Sales Teams Can Transform Customer Relationships

This post comes from Stacy Shrader, an intern with the collaboration marketing team and a rising senior at Virginia Tech with a dual degree in business management and public relations. What’s one thing that drives business? Revenue. That means a sales department is one of your most important busi…

July 31, 2017


Shifting Marketing to a New Way of Collaboration

  This post comes from Stacy Shrader, an intern with the collaboration marketing team and a rising senior at Virginia Tech with a dual degree in business management and public relations. Innovation. Yes, a simple word, but one filled with ambiguity. Marketing leaders can attest that innova…

July 20, 2017


Improving Healthcare Experiences with Collaboration: Case Studies

Search on Google for technology in healthcare. The results will include the latest medical devices, biosensors, robotics, and such. These innovations are doing amazing things to improve medical procedures and outcomes. But the patient experience extends beyond robots and devices. At the very core, h…

July 18, 2017


Better Collaboration Delivers Better Education: Case Studies

It’s definitely been quite a while since I sat in a classroom for more than the annual back-to-school night routine. When I was a student, the classrooms always smelled like chalk. We turned in assignments in our best handwriting and carefully chose the right folder to encase our reports. Eventually…

July 17, 2017


Using Collaboration Technology to Improve Hiring

  This post comes from Stacy Shrader, an intern with the collaboration marketing team and a rising senior at Virginia Tech with a dual degree in business management and public relations. “We don’t have the budget to bring the candidate in for that interview.” Human resources professional…

July 5, 2017


Collaboration at #CLUS, Final Wrap: “Ahh, the Cloud” and Endangered Chickens

It definitely took the long weekend to recover from the energy of Cisco Live. From the keynotes to the innovation talks to the DevNet Zone and the show floor, I definitely got my convention center mileage numbers. I’m probably due for an oil change. The good news is that some of those footsteps are…

June 29, 2017


Collaboration at #CLUS, Day 3 Wrap: Thinking about Security

I may be on the collaboration team, but the security stuff always fascinates me. The stats around cyber crime are mind melting. Today’s keynote focused on security, which is always a timely topic, but even more so today. A few stats from our chief security officer, John Stewart: Almost 2 of every 5…

June 28, 2017


Collaboration at #CLUS, Day 2 Wrap: IT Superheroes in Flight

Tuesday was another day of talks, tech, and more tech for the 28,000 attendees in Las Vegas, not to mention the even larger online audiences. A stat I heard today: 11,000 of this year’s event attendees are first-time attendees. That’s a lot of new faces at the so-called “summer cam…