How Webex Teams Delivered Workplace Transformation at Cisco
Webex Teams Transforms the Work Culture at Cisco The Right Tool for the Job Collaboration and communication are the pinnacle of efficient organizations; IT departments are no exception. So, in 2001, Cisco IT started on a journey to enhance and enable the way our teams work together. With 140,000 peo…
It’s the Final Countdown! Vote Today For Our Cisco SXSW Panel Picker Pitches!
Cisco Webex Needs Your Vote in SXSW PanelPicker! Cisco Webex in partnership with Capital Factory is proud to announce its participation in the 2020 South by Southwest Interactive Panel Picker, the official user-generated session proposal platform for the SXSW Conference. South By, as it’s affectiona…
#CiscoChat LIVE: DevNet Network Automation Exchange
Happy New (Fiscal) Year, Cisco! We are kicking-off Fiscal Year 2020 with a special #TeamDevNet #CiscoChat LIVE! featuring: Bill Hentschell (@BHentschell) John McDonough (@johnamcdonough) Patrick Rockholz (@patrickrockholz) …and moderated by yours truly (@silviakspiva). The #CiscoChat LIVE! will be o…