work life balance

January 30, 2018


Unsiloed at Cisco

“Don’t you get lonely?” In nine years as a Cisco business outcome strategist (I’ve had the pleasure of many different and exciting positions) – this is the question I get asked the most. And I suppose that makes sense since I – like many of my co-workers – use Cisco’s technology to work remotely. I…

August 31, 2017


Four Ways Cisco Enables Me to Be Me

As the summer holiday season in Europe has drawn to an end, and I reflect on the time spent relaxing in the sunshine – I’m reminded of the saying; TIME is a gift, use it wisely! I believe Cisco is a great master at enabling us all to use the time we have more effectively. As a full-time marketing st…

August 29, 2017


3 Ways Cisco Helped Me Grab a Unique Opportunity

If my niece were to ask me for career advice, I would tell her that Happiness is within. Don’t look for happiness from outside influences. Learn from the challenges you face, and make full use of the opportunities you’re given. One of the opportunities I was recently presented  was to participate in…

April 6, 2017


Cisco Embraces My Family

The world travels more now than it ever has, with Americans alone logging more than 405 million long-distance business trips every year. Maybe you regularly contribute to that number? I know I do! I love working for Cisco, and in particular, I love that we embrace technology, which often removes the…

November 18, 2014


An Engineer’s Thoughts on Work/Life Balance

Several months ago I became so busy with work that I subconsciously compiled a script that auto-executed every time someone asked any question vaguely resembling, “How have you been?”.  I didn’t have time to think of a human answer, so without hesitation, the canned response “busy” would sound from…

Cisco Sizzle – Summary of May’s Hottest Stories

Welcome to the Cisco Sizzle! Each month, we’re rounding up the best of the best from across our social media channels for your reading pleasure. From the most read blog posts to the top engaging content on Facebook or LinkedIn, catch up on things you might have missed, or on the articles you just wa…