visual networking index
Off to the LTE Asia Awards: Singapore or Bust
Think about what is going on in the APJC Mobile Market for a minute: In Korea, mobile data traffic on 2G, 3G, and 4G networks increased approximately 70% between 3Q 2012 and 3Q 2013. In China, mobile data traffic of China’s top 3 mobile operators grew 90% in 2012 and 72% from mid-2012 to mid-2013.…
Cisco’s Visual Networking Index: Understanding the Evolution of Internet Users, Devices and Connections
Today’s networks are an essential part of business, education, government, and home communications. Many residential, business, and mobile Internet Protocol (IP) networking trends are being driven largely by the combination of video, social networking, and advanced collaboration applications, termed…
Have Global IPv6 Deployments Really Slowed Down?
For those that are not closely involved with IPv6, it may seem like the emphasis on migration to the new addressing scheme is waning. But while the hue and cry over IPv6 may appear to have quieted down to a background noise since 2010-2011; a closer inspection would prove that perception to be quite…
2014 Cisco VNI Forecast: It’s not just about big numbers
Today, Cisco released the updated VNI Global IP Traffic and Service Adoption Forecasts, 2013 – 2018 (see media release). The key drivers of global IP traffic growth (network users, devices/connections, broadband speeds, and video consumption) continue to show increases that will create a greater glo…
Cisco Monetization and Optimization Index ( MOI) Measures and delivers Business Architectures for Service Providers
Did you know that by 2018, there will be in excess of $600 Billion dollars of revenue opportunities in cloud, mobile and video? Do you want to know the average cost per GB to deliver service over a Mobile IP network? Do you want to know the forecast of how much would it cost per GB to deliver video…
Service Provider Network Monetization and Innovative Service Offers
By Shruti Jain, Senior analyst, SP Thought Leadership The latest Cisco Mobile Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecast 2013-2018, highlights the following key trends: The number of mobile users is growing: By 2018, more than 64% of the world’s population (7.6 billion people) will be mobile users. The…
Cisco VNI Global Mobile Data Forecast Update (2013 – 2018)
Wireless momentum continues worldwide and mobile data traffic expected to increase nearly 11-fold Today, Cisco released its latest Visual Networking Index (VNI) Global Mobile Forecast, 2013-2018, projecting future mobile data traffic over cellular networks (2G, 3G, or 4G) and wi-fi off-load traffic…
Comcast’s “Take” on VNI Forecast Implications
Cisco recently released the latest version of our VNI Forecast, a 5-year look ahead at data traffic growth trends. I caught up with Kevin McElearney, SVP Network Engineering at Comcast, to talk about the implications this latest VNI Forecast has for Comcast’s planning. You can check out what K…
Six Insights: Implications of the VNI Forecast 2012-2017
Shortly before we released this year’s Cisco VNI Forecast 2012-2017* on May 29th, I had a chance to contemplate the implications behind all the report’s data. The Forecast makes it clear that IP traffic will continue to grow “in leaps and bounds” through 2017, but there is so much more information l…