
June 11, 2014


How Virtualization Is Changing Software Licensing for the Data Center

Erich Latchford In the days before data centers were virtualized, the licensing model for operating systems and application software was simple: 1 server = 1 license. But this model doesn’t work in an environment where a single physical server can host multiple virtual servers. //…

Cisco Evolved Programmable Network: The Beginning of a New Era in SP Networking

Written By Gina Nienaber, Marketing Manager, SP Product and Solutions Marketing This is the first blog out of a series of three covering  “What is the Evolved Programmable Network (EPN) Era and Why Evolved Programmable Network (EPN) Now?” Those of us who have been around in the industry…

May 30, 2014


The 2014 Automation Conference – IoE and Beer

The 2014 Automation Conference (TAC) was held March 20-21, 2014 in sunny Chicago (Yes, sunny Chicago!! I made sure to pack some California sunshine for the Windy City) attracted a diverse group of automation and manufacturing thought leaders and subject matter experts from leading machine builders,…

The Evolution of the Mobile Service Provider – A Five-Stage Strategy

Written By Dan Kurschner, Senior Manager SP Mobility Marketing Over the past decades, Mobility has advanced from a mere curiosity (remember those “brick” phones?), to a convenience and today being an indispensable part of our everyday lives.  Businesses are leveraging the internet and the cloud to d…

May 23, 2014


Next Generation Data Center Design With MDS 9710 – Part II

Note: This is the second of a three-part series on Next Generation Data Center Design with MDS 9700; learn how customers can deploy scalable SAN networks that allow them to Scale Up or Scale Out in a non disruptive way.  Part 1 | Part 3 ] EMC World was wonderful. It was gratifying to meet industry p…

May 21, 2014


Breaking through Performance Barriers: Desktop Virtualization at Cisco Live

We’re halfway into Cisco Live!  Each year I find more and more attendees are coming to talk to us about running various desktop delivery models on UCS.  Some observations from folks I’ve chatted with: More and more of you are asking about NVIDIA GRID solutions for graphics intensive use-cases.  I ha…

May 21, 2014


How FCoE Helps Cisco Reduce Data Center Infrastructure

What a difference a networking cable can make in a data center’s infrastructure requirements and costs…especially when that cable uses Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) technology. An industry-standard, FCoE carries Fibre Channel over Ethernet links, which reduces the number of I/O adapters, cables…

ANGA 2014: Igniting Growth for Service Providers

By Mike McKeown – Director of Business Development for Service Provider Video at Cisco, EMEAR It may be a month of bank holidays in Europe, but there’s no standing still for the video industry in May. We’re proud to say that it started with an announcement from Synergy Research (at the end of…

May 8, 2014


#HigherEdThursdays: Virtualizing Dual Enrollment

This time of year is always exciting – with students going off to college, coming home from college, graduating, switching majors and sometimes changing schools. It’s especially exciting when we hear stories like that of the 16 year old Florida student who received her college degree day…