threat detection

November 30, 2017


CMS Brute Force Attacks Are Still a Threat

Brute force attacks have existed long before the Internet. As a cryptanalytic attack, it started being used as an attempt to access encrypted data when there were no other options available. With the rise of the Internet, this type of attack was quickly adopted. In a nutshell, a brute force attack c…

October 4, 2017


A Guide for Encrypted Traffic Analytics

By now, you’ve heard of Encrypted Traffic Analytics, Cisco’s latest innovation that allows organizations to leverage the network to find threats in encrypted traffic. Wondering why this is big news? Consider these statistics (Gartner and NSS Labs): … 63 million new devices are attaching to enterpris…

October 26, 2015


Active Threat Analytics: Easing the Burden of Threat Management

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a trickster king cursed with the eternal torment of fruitless labor. As punishment for his hubris and wile, Zeus condemned this hapless figure to the unending task of pushing a boulder up a mountain. Once he reached the top, the boulder would fall back down. And he w…