
December 4, 2012


Mobility and Virtualization in the Next-Generation Workplace

I’m one of the lucky ones. Many of my peers work in companies that aren’t as forward looking about IT as Cisco is. Where they struggle to keep up with the demands of today’s employees, I’m fortunate to work in an environment that offers workspace flexibility and access to telepresence, web conferenc…

November 22, 2012


Making it Easier for You to do Business with Us – Fixed Price Professional Services from Cisco

Professional services, Consultancy Services, Advanced Services – call them what you will.   I can hear you say:   “On No!  Complexity”.  “Now I need to work a Statement of Work”.  “I need help to get my project on time, can’t this get easier?”  “I need to get my legal contracts team involved.”…

November 11, 2012


Cisco helps launch Dialogue Cafe in Melbourne, Australia

Last week, The Hub Melbourne launched Australia’s first Dialogue Café. Dialogue Café is home to a high-definition video conferencing network specifically designed to facilitate dialogue between people from across the world to address social issues. The Hub Melbourne’s first Dialogue Café exchange wi…