
November 28, 2016


How Cisco is delivering Innovation to Service Providers in Programmable Networks

Digitization is critical for businesses everywhere – and the opportunity for service provides lies in their ability to enable it. This is why it requires a new approach to networking that is simpler, more efficient, and enables carriers to grow their business. See for yourself… Global IP traffic wi…

Comparing Generational Digital Footprint

It’s often said that “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” – and my “apple” has fallen very close to me. This summer, my 18-year-old daughter earned the opportunity to work as an intern at Cisco. As a 20-year Cisco veteran, my daughter’s internship inspired me to reflect on my career experiences in…

From Telecom operators to consumers: How to benefit from ‘free’ Wi-Fi

In today’s highly-developed and ultra-competitive telecommunications markets, there is a widespread expectation among consumers that they should be able to access Wi-Fi for free wherever they are – from cafes and bars to airports, shopping centres, sports venues and public transport. In this era of…

Looking Back at 2015 – A Tipping Point for the Internet of Things

2015 will be remembered as the year of the Internet of things. The tipping point when IoT went from the back rooms of the technology world to become mainstream. The consultancy McKinsey estimates that the Internet of Things – a world where up to 50 billion things (or devices) will be connected…

Enivest and Cisco Deploy a DWDM Network at Light Speed

Guest blog by Dan Crawford, Marketing Manager, Cisco In the western Scandinavian fjords of Norway, Enivest an internet service provider has deployed a new optical transport network using a Cisco optical network solution (NCS 2000). While this, in itself, may not be big news to most people, the real…