
Cisco CEO John Chambers Recognized Among 100 CEO Leaders in STEM

“Given the rapid speed of change in today’s global marketplace, a country must invest in its greatest asset—its people—and train them to excel in science, technology, engineering, and math [STEM].” Cisco Chairman and CEO John Chambers A skilled workforce is the backbone of a successful and competiti…

Cisco Shares Expertise on STEM Education at National Conference

The U.S. National STEM Solutions Conference is just around the corner and the Cisco CSR team will be among the more than 2,000 business, education, and government leaders from around the United States in attendance at the Austin Convention Center from June 17 to 19, in efforts to continue change in…

May 13, 2013


Cisco Women and TechGirlsUK

A Twitter success story Theresa Russell teaches Computing to teenagers in Lancashire, England.  We found each other on Twitter.  I was looking to better understand the newest trends in #EdTech.  She needed a female mentor for an international competition she had talked five students into joining.  W…

A Half Million Likes on Facebook: Cisco Networking Academy Uses Social Media to Engage and Educate

This post was written by Hilal Chouman, social media strategist for Cisco Networking Academy Since late 2009, Cisco Networking Academy (NetAcad), one of Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, has been present on various social media networks. The earliest presence was on the rising…

Cisco Employees To Be Among 1 Million STEM Mentors By 2020

Today, Cisco’s Patrick Finn, Senior Vice President, Public Sector, joined U.S. President Barack Obama and 9 other leading U.S. technology companies and education nonprofits to launch US2020 at the White House Science Fair. US2020 is an all-hands-on-deck initiative that aims to connect more science,…

Sky Is the Limit for Imagination at This Year’s Tech Challenge: Asteroids Rock!

As we settle into spring, I’m anticipating an exciting annual event — The Tech Challenge at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, California.  This is an amazing program that brings together thousands of students and gives them a chance to flex their engineering muscles. In its 26th year,…

Visual Approach Helps Students Learn Math

The importance of improving math education is increasingly urgent. America ranks 25 out of 34 industrialized nations on math tests. Tomorrow’s jobs — more than 8 million by 2018 — will require skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Cisco supports an orga…

March 25, 2013


CyberPatriot Program Showcases Future of Cybersecurity Workforce

March 14 – 15 marked the National Finals Competition of CyberPatriot, the largest high school cyber defense competition in the United States. With students crowded around laptops, routers and clocks counting down, teams were given a business scenario. Told that they were newly hired IT professionals…