software defined

May 14, 2014


How IT Leaders Can Embrace the Change that Comes with Network Programmability

The programming of network resources is not just a trend, but also a way to future-proof IT and business needs. This blog series examines how infrastructure programmability is providing a faster time to competitive advantage and highlights the differences between programmable infrastructure and trad…

Why IT Leaders Stand to Benefit from the Natural Process of Network Programmability

The programming of network resources is not just a trend, but also a way to future-proof IT and business needs. This blog series examines how infrastructure programmability is providing a faster time to competitive advantage and highlights the differences between programmable infrastructure and trad…

April 29, 2014


What is Infrastructure Programmability?

The programming of network resources is not just a trend, but also a way to future-proof IT and business needs. This blog series examines how infrastructure programmability is providing a faster time to competitive advantage and highlights the differences between programmable infrastructure and trad…

February 17, 2014


Network Programmability Is Real: Five Use Cases for Our Disaster Recovery Cloud Services

SunGard AS has more than 9000 enterprise customers who count on our cloud services and managed services when disaster strikes. Lately, we’ve seen that the “Internet of Everything” is changing customer expectations. Our customers want new types of cloud services—and they want them sooner. They’re als…

February 14, 2014


Get Started on SDN and Cisco ONE: Learn from Our New Technical White Paper

If you were to believe the industry press, you could easily be forgiven for thinking that many companies across the world were rolling software defined networking (SDN) technologies into their networks today.  I’m part of Cisco’s Services team and my colleagues across the world are the e…

February 10, 2014


CiscoLive Milan Highlights: IoE, SDN and a lot of wine

Aside from an ill-timed Milanese taxi strike and a lot of rain and snow, the first CiscoLive of 2014 was a fascinating week. Cisco EVP Rob Lloyd announced our latest Cisco ONE capabilities with a new APIC Enterprise module and the new Inter Cloud capability for moving workload (virtual machines) bet…

January 23, 2014


Summary: Next Gen IT Predictions: 2014 and Beyond

2014 will be a year that builds on the momentum of mobile, cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IoE). How can your organization realize value from today’s new model for IT? Here’s my take on the trends we will see over the next twelve months: Increasing urgency to man…

January 23, 2014


Next Gen IT Predictions: 2014 and Beyond

In my travels, I am fortunate to see new and interesting innovations, emerging technologies and trends. Of course, the growth of mobile and cloud technologies continues to shape our work and lives. 2014 will be a year that builds on the momentum of these trends, along with IoT, with more connected p…

January 15, 2014


#EngineersUnplugged S4|Ep10: Software Defined Hype

In this episode of Engineers Unplugged, Michael Letschin (@mletschin) and Hans De Leenheer (@hansdeleenheer) discuss the history behind software defined and predictions for what the future holds for applications and developers. If hardware is an enabler and not a limit, what then? How does this impa…