software defined network

June 26, 2014


Observations from London SDN Conference… “Wait, it’s coming…” … But Can You Afford T …

Last week I spent some time at the “Software Defined Networking 2014” conference in London.  It’s a relatively small conference I would say however given the growing interest in SDN and rapid progress of the technology it’s always good to hear alternative viewpoints and exper…

Combining Cloud, NFV, and SDN to create agile new services

Written By Volker Tegtmeyer, Senior Manager Product & Solution Marketing The industry is going through a huge business transformation. Enterprises want to focus their resources and investments on their core business rather than investing in non-core IT operations. They are looking at consuming n…

Telecom Italia Creates SDN Network Testbed with Five Universities

Telecom Italia is constantly on the lookout for innovative technologies that provide a competitive advantage. The goal is to be the first to offer new services to customers. The latest hot innovations around Software Defined Networking (SDN) caught Telecom Italia’s attention. SDN promises to simplif…

April 5, 2014


Are You Ready for Dev Ops and SDN Software Development with Cisco ONE?

One of the great challenges of SDN – that many in my view underplay – is the change in paradigm from having a vendor deliver your network (hardware + software), to having (potentially) an ecosystem deliver your network – and this ecosystem may require you to develop software to perform network tasks…

February 27, 2014


How a Snowboarding ‘Wipeout’ Can Guide You On SDN Deployment

  As I was thinking about how best to advise you on how to “experiment” with SDN technologies, and more specifically why you should run a formal pilot to evaluate SDN technology options (a topic I covered in my previous blog), I was reminded of this “wipeout” picture I took last yea…

February 14, 2014


Get Started on SDN and Cisco ONE: Learn from Our New Technical White Paper

If you were to believe the industry press, you could easily be forgiven for thinking that many companies across the world were rolling software defined networking (SDN) technologies into their networks today.  I’m part of Cisco’s Services team and my colleagues across the world are the e…

December 23, 2013


SDN Adoption Challenges: My Wrap Up For 2013

2013 was the year I started working on SDN – specifically in the area of devising professional services for Cisco ONE and Application Centric Infrastructure, ACI.  A few months ago, I used a compendium to summarize my Cisco Domain TenSM blogs.  This was well received, so  I thought it would be…

December 17, 2013


Use SDN Strategically – and NOT as a “Band Aid”

The other week I attended the “Software Defined Networking 2013” conference in London.  This is a UK-based event for the discussion of SDN, OpenFlow and Network Virtualisation Solutions from a strategic perspective.  There were quite a few interesting perspective s I picked up at this conference.  I…

December 12, 2013


Summary: An Innovative Infrastructure to Capture the Value of the Internet of Everything

The Internet of Everything (IoE) is no longer a prediction. It is reality. As I think about the infrastructure needed to truly capture its value, I immediately think the network needs to be: Agile Intelligent Secure Why are these qualities a necessity for a thriving programmable infrastructure? Si…