Service Provider

January 26, 2017


Fiber Deep Architectures and the Optical Node

Written by Tim Brophy, Product Manager Cable Access Business Unit In a recent blog, we discussed Fiber Deep (FD) architectures and their place in the end-to-end network. We emphasized there that the physical topology is geared toward balancing the number of subscribers per service group, and that th…

January 25, 2017


It’s the most wonderful time… of the year!

Of course, I’m talking about that incredible annual event known as CES.  For those of us who are passionate about technology impacting the Consumer Electronics space, CES is magical…and this year’s show did not disappoint.  From the continued emergence of intelligent personal assistants, to the pote…

January 20, 2017


OpenConfig on Cisco Platforms

There’s a lot of buzz around just now when it comes to supporting vendor-neutral data models at the device layer, so it’s a good time to talk about what Cisco is doing to support open models, and OpenConfig models in particular. Customers have been rapidly adopting automation techniques…

January 19, 2017


Millennials or Unicorns?

Who’s your audience – millennials or unicorns? Of course, the answer is neither, because neither exist. It’s pretty much impossible to define what a millennial is – try it, Google has plenty of results. It’s become a shorthand term for the stage in life somewhere between skateboards and mortga…

January 13, 2017


Here’s Why Today’s Networks Can’t Be Run Like It’s 1999

New and Emerging Applications Require Broadband Innovation While the turn of the century and the hoopla that surrounded Y2K was nearly two decades ago, for many of us, it feels like the very recent past. As the year 2000 began, mobile carriers were just starting to offer data and texting capabilitie…

Crack-down on video streaming-piracy on the rise

Regardless of the ongoing debate on the efficacy of legal action against illegal streaming, there seems to be more legal action initiated, with pretty significant judgments, across more territories and jurisdictions. Two reports on action against illegal streaming caught my eye last month. The first…

Cisco@CES: Video Quality Everywhere as a Competitive Differentiator

What better place than the International Consumer Electronics Show to shine the light on consumer experiences in the device landscape — and not just the sparkly, new, all-IP dandies, mind you — such that all devices are treated as first class citizens? That’s part of what we will be demo…

Cisco@CES 2017: Exceed Broadcast and OTT

This one’s for everyone careening out of the holidays and into 2017 — while necessarily keeping an eye on what’s about to happen at the upcoming International Consumer Electronics Show. We’ll be at the Wynn Hotel again, with a hot lineup of products demonstrated– way more than I could possibly…

Looking Back at 2016, a Year in Cable

As we have just come back from the holidays and spent time with family and loved ones, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back at 2016 and provide you with some of the highlights for Cisco in Cable Access over the year. In May 2016 we celebrated the first birthday of the cBR-8, our evolved CCA…