
February 1, 2017


Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Reality of Multivendor IT Support

Join us for a #CiscoChat on February 8th at 11 a.m. PT to discuss the reality of multivendor IT support. Imagine you’re the IT director of a global bank. You recently implemented a variety of digital solutions: virtualization, IoT, data analytics. You get the picture. Your company is under pressure…

February 1, 2017


Here’s What’s Possible with DNA for Education

With Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) for education, network management is simpler, faster, and more flexible than ever. Our approach simplifies IT, utilizes analytics for facilities optimization and reduces risks with security everywhere, laying the foundation for digital transformation on…

January 31, 2017


Staying Ahead of the Evolving Threat – Announcing the Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report

I’m proud to announce the Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report (ACR) available for download today. Now in its 10th year, this report delivers analysis on the evolving threats and trends from 2016, insights from a survey of more than 2900 security professionals worldwide, as well as guidance on how…

January 24, 2017


7 Reasons Why IIoT Projects Fail

The Industrial IoT brings new promises to the plant floor: lower operating cost, better visibility, and improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness. These results are all in the pot of gold at the end of the IIoT rainbow, but that pot is sometimes hard to find. Here are the top 7 reasons why I believe…

January 23, 2017


Welcome to the OT World

It may have come to you in an email or perhaps during a 1:1 with your boss but either way the news probably caught you by surprise. You will be taking your security skills to the industrial side of the house. Congratulations! And good luck – you are going to need it. Much of what you have learned an…

January 19, 2017


The Apparent ‘Cloud Security Paradox’

It is all about security, isn’t it? Take every other customer survey and ‘security’ bubbles up at the very top of most respondents’ concerns. One of the latest data points I can share is part of an IDC cloud study in which security was cited as an important concern. In fact, 48% of respondents are c…

January 9, 2017


2017 Enterprise Network Security Trends

In 2016, there seemed to be constant reminders in the news about the latest hack or newest type of attack. As a result, the security market experienced a significant amount of growth. Gartner expects the cybersecurity market to cross $100 billion in 2019 from $76 billion in 2015. To take advantage o…

January 9, 2017


Cyber Security Capture the Flag (CTF) Series Part 1: Planning/Design

Tim Harmon is a Cisco Champion, an elite group of technical experts who are passionate about IT and enjoy sharing their knowledge, expertise, and thoughts across the social web and with Cisco. The program has been running for over four years and has earned two industry awards as an industry best pra…

Crack-down on video streaming-piracy on the rise

Regardless of the ongoing debate on the efficacy of legal action against illegal streaming, there seems to be more legal action initiated, with pretty significant judgments, across more territories and jurisdictions. Two reports on action against illegal streaming caught my eye last month. The first…