public sector
Making Cybersecurity a Part of the Smart City Process
The rapid and inevitable hyper connectivity manifesting in the evolving digital world, while opening up massively impressive opportunities, leave many organizations exposed to new entry points where nefarious cyber actors can inflict damage. Recently, we just watched this unfold across the world wit…
Smart Decisions Make Smart Cities
Digital transformation is about technology. But, when it comes to creating sustainable smart cities, it is important to understand uniqueness, what makes the community tick and keeps people happily and proudly living there. Through the secure connectivity of digital transformation, cities and commun…
A Hosted Cloud Solution Tailored for Government
No matter the industry, organizations are challenged to find a comprehensive IT strategy that fits their unique needs. As an increasing number of these businesses are forced to go digital, they are also looking for a cloud solution that is user-friendly, secure, and compatible with their existing to…
The One Thing Your State Needs to Effectively Connect, Collaborate, and Create
The Internet of Things continues to enable digital transformation for cities, counties and states across America. As a result, residents are reaping a variety of benefits such as improved parking and traffic, enhanced safety due to lighting and cameras, and shortened emergency response times thanks…
California CIO Academy Conference – Transformation Using IoT
Guest Blogger: Shilpa Kholhatkar, Senior Business Development Manager, IoT Systems Group Shilpa is responsible for driving the growth of Cisco’s IoT products across major verticals such as Manufacturing, Energy, Transportation and Public Sector. She has a unique profile that spans product and…
Welcome to Cybersecurity in Public Sector
It’s like the scene in a movie when the good guy pulls out a knife thinking he has the upper hand over the villain…. and out of nowhere the bad guy pulls out an AR-15 automatic rifle! Fight over. Good guy goes down and loses. Welcome to cybersecurity in Public Sector. Agencies in Public Sector (g…
What do Mirai & IoT botnets mean to the public sector?
5 First Steps to Defending against IoT Driven DDoS Attacks In honor of October’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, users of Twitter, Netflix, Reddit and the New York Times were treated to a special treat – and just in time for Halloween. Unfortunately it was more of a trick as users of these a…
Cruising to Safer, Smarter Streets
Start Your Engines: Considering all the benefits emerging with the technology innovations of the digital age, it’s surprising that we see few changes to roadways, streets and vehicles that truly improve the driver experience and make roads safer. As a German, I more than appreciate the beauty…
#TransformationThursday: Thinking Outside of the Box
In the Name of Innovation: Technology is only as useful as the processes it changes, the money it saves, and the lives that it improves. In increasingly complex city environments where there are more people, less resources and higher demands than ever, how do we ensure that we’re getting the right s…