Project Squared

March 20, 2015


#CiscoChat Ignites “Spark” in Collaboration Conversation at SXSW

The Cisco social media marketing team was on the ground in Austin for the SXSW Interactive Conference and the second ever #CiscoChat. The team engaged with participants onsite and over social media, teeing up an announcement around our new collaboration service–Cisco Spark–by asking part…

March 17, 2015


Spark a Revolution

Today’s companies must evolve or face extinction. If they stand still, they’ll die. Pretty dramatic, I know, but that’s the reality. Forty percent of Fortune 500 companies will no longer be around in 10 years[1]. Companies in every industry know they need to move faster and innovate quickly to survi…

December 17, 2014


#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep 45. Project Squared

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking with Cisco VP and CTO of Collaboration,  Jonathan Rosenberg, about Project Squared. Kim Austin (@ciscokima) moderates and John Welsh, Joshua Warcop and Rick Vanover are this week’s Cisco Champion guest…

November 17, 2014


How I Manage a $4B Business from my Phone

I don’t use my laptop to run my business. It’s not that I don’t like my laptop. It’s just that I really love using my mobile device — for everything. My mobile is incredibly convenient, small, and functional. Let’s face it: we’re lucky to be in the era of the smartphone when one device can do…