Monetizing 5G – How Service Providers Can Get it Right

5G will bring much more than unprecedented speed. The 5G architecture will profoundly transform the way we experience our homes and cities, will make enterprises smart, highly efficient and create value in ways never imagined before. Today, consumer expectations for a faster, smarter, more convenien…

3 Pathways to NFV Success … or How to Tame the NFV / SDN Monster

If you are a fan of Greek mythology, then you know that Cerberus was the three-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades.  This monster kept the dead from escaping.  When you are on a journey to NFV transformation, sometimes you may feel you cannot escape from your own personal Hades.  As my collea…

Observations from the NGMN 5G Industry Conference

Cisco asks the industry to think aggressively and to accept risks when it comes to 5G planning. I was fortunate to attend the NGMN 5G Industry Conference in Frankfurt Germany March 24-25th. And while Frankfurt in March is a bit chilly for this Florida-boy, the conference was interesting and certainl…