network automation
On-Box Python for Cisco Devices – the Why, What, and How
As a junior network engineer at a university I wrote a lot of management scripts in Perl. I had scripts to do things such as check switchport configurations and upgrade switch code. Times have changed a lot since then. The university’s web server now runs in the cloud, rather than on my personal wo…
Automating Your Network Operations, Part 2 – Data Models
Keeping your IT infrastructure operational Before I get into data models, I want to take a slight diversion to incorporate some of the feedback that I received from the first blog. It was pointed out that my use of the ios_config module was “naïve.” I contend that it is more accurate to say that my…
Automating Your Network Operations, Part 1 – Ansible Basics
In this blog series we’ll take you beyond the hype and dive more deeply into how and why to automate your network operations. I’ve spent the last couple of years at Red Hat helping customers automate their networks with Ansible. If there is one thing that I’ve learned during that time, it is t…
Introducing NetDevOps Live!
Do you find yourself thinking “Gee… I wish there was a weekly webinar and video series dedicated to NetDevOps and network programmability topics.”? Or maybe “I could really use some dedicated expert lead lab time about every other week.”? I knew it wasn’t just me,…
The big myth about security patch management
“If we had just kept our systems patched, the malware wouldn’t have been a problem.” After every major breach you usually hear those words echoed across news media. You might even pause for a moment and tell yourself that if the victims had just patched their systems, they would have bee…
virl up – NetDevOps Network Simulation Done Right
Are you ready to have your mind blown by something so cool you’ll wonder how you lived without it before? Of course you are… so without further a-do let me introduce you to virlutils, the NetDevOps command line tool for Cisco VIRL and Cisco CML. If you are not familiar with VIRL or CML,…
Laying the Foundations for Innovation
Cisco Crosswork provides the holistic real-time insight needed to transform your network operations. Service providers today are facing big challenges, with fast, flexible services and huge bandwidths expected as standard. If they want to remain competitive by delivering efficient services, provider…
A Network That Thinks for Itself
Networking today is a world of big opportunities – and big challenges. Telecoms, mobile, cloud and cable service providers are all facing increasing demands on their systems. Old approaches are no longer going to be enough. If they want to succeed in future, service providers are going to have to re…
Meet the Network Orchestration Experts at Cisco Live US 2018
Hello, it is that time of the year again! Cisco Live US is upon us. If you are coming to Cisco Live US 2018 that is taking place in Orlando from June 10 through June 14, I’d like to tell you about Network Orchestration and Automation resources that you can take advantage of. We have been sharing o…