Mobile Government
Highlights from AFCEA Homeland Security Conference: Remaining Ever-Vigilant
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the AFCEA Homeland Security conference in Washington, D.C. Eleven days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the first Director of the Office of Homeland Security was appointed leading to the combination of 22 different federal departments and age…
Mobile Government and Telework Week 2014
Each year I pledge to telework along with thousands of others for the annual Telework Week. Today, I worked from my rpod parked in front of my house. My rpod is my personal smart work space and provides me everything I need to work at home or on the road with secure mobility capabilities that allo…
Summary: Tackling Mobile Security Risks for Government
As mobility becomes more pervasive, these concepts of cyber crime have become engrained in our work/life culture. These issues have earned national news headlines as governments across the globe grapple with how to build both secure and mobile-enabled infrastructures. A few weeks ago, Cisco and Mobi…
Tackling Mobile Security Risks for Government
“Cyber threats. Security breaches. Hacking.” As mobility becomes more pervasive, these words have become engrained in our work/life culture. The issue of cyber crime has earned national news headlines as governments across the globe grapple with how to build both secure and mobile-enable…
Mobile Telework: Cost Effective, Flexible and Secure
I really love my mobile devices, my iPhone, iPod, and rPod. What’s an rPoD you ask? It’s my mobile getaway vehicle. I can get access to mobile apps, listen to music, and enjoy a getaway to the coast. These devices are not just for fun though, these are powerful tools that allow me to tel…