mobile device

September 17, 2013


Capturing Value from Mobile Video in Motion

You don’t have to look far to see how mobile video is changing how we communicate, collaborate and consume information. From collaborating with co-workers across the globe while you catch the morning train to connecting with friends and family from the comfort of your sofa. From checking out the lat…

September 11, 2013


The Fifth Step to Enterprise Mobility: Defending Your Data

This is the fifth post in a blog series featuring Vine-format videos focusing on the “Six Essential Steps for Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Mobility”. The first blog post discussing how to build a mobile structure can be found here. The second blog post highlighting the benefits going virtual c…

September 4, 2013


The Fourth Step to Enterprise Mobility: Create an App Checkpoint

This is the fourth post in a blog series featuring Vine-format videos focusing on the “Six Essential Steps for Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Mobility”. The first blog post discussing how to build a mobile structure can be found here. The second blog post highlighting the benefits going virtual…

August 22, 2013


Third Step to Enterprise Mobility: The Division of Devices

This is the third post in a blog series featuring Vine-format videos focusing on the “Six Essential Steps for Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Mobility”. Be sure to read the first two blogs and watch the videos – First Step to Enterprise Mobility: Build the Mobile Structure and  Second Step to Ent…

August 14, 2013


Second Step to Enterprise Mobility: Go Virtual

This is the second post in our “Six Essential Steps for Unleashing the Power of Enterprise Mobility” blog series featuring Vine-format videos. To read the first blog and watch the video describing how enterprises can build a mobile structure, click here. I’m excited to discuss the second step enter…

August 7, 2013


First Step to Enterprise Mobility: Build the Mobile Structure

Over the last several years, the role of an enterprise workforce has evolved from a select few mobile-enabled employees to a robust, global network equipped with advanced capabilities at their fingertips. As this workforce grows and evolves, how can enterprises, specifically their IT departments cap…

July 19, 2013


[Cartoon Catalyst Blog Series] K-12 BYOD. Secure Students, Determine Internet Access, and Yet Provide Awesome Network Pe …

Students bounding into schools touting the latest device is creating big problem for K-12 IT departments. How can schools support BYOD initiatives while securing these mobile devices and the student information embedded within them if IT staff numbers aren’t growing? In his latest blog, K-12 B…

July 17, 2013


Three Simple Ways to Boost Mobile Device Security

The explosion in business mobility is transforming our companies in profound—and sometimes challenging—ways. One of the most vexing issues is security. Recently, I came across a Wharton article predicting that by 2015, more Americans will access the Internet through mobile devices than PCs. From ope…

July 17, 2013


[Cartoon Catalyst Blog Series] K-12 BYOD. Secure Students, Determine Internet Access, and Yet Provide Awesome Network Pe …

So many students, so many devices, yet zero increase in number of IT staffers. The increasingly unbalanced ratio is enough to cause a few nightmares for any IT professional.  Luckily, supporting student IT requirements, while remaining secure, has become a bit simpler with Identity Service Engine (I…