Hiding in Plain Sight: Malware’s Use of TLS and Encryption
Introduction TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol that provides privacy for applications. TLS is usually implemented on top of common protocols such as HTTP for web browsing or SMTP for email. HTTPS is the usage of TLS over HTTP, which is the most popular way of securing commun…
Malware stealing gigabytes of your data as seen by Cognitive Threat Analytics
This post is authored by Gayan de Silva and Martin Pospisil. Overview Recently, about 50 users across 20 companies were alarmed by the Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) about a malware that exfiltrates gigabytes of data from their computers. An example of such CTA detection: In addition to the…
Down the Rabbit Hole: Botnet Analysis for Non-Reverse Engineers
This post is authored by Earl Carter & Holger Unterbrink. Overview Talos is often tasked with mapping the backend network for a specific piece of malware. One approach is to first reverse engineer the sample and determine exactly how it operates. But what if there is no time or resources to take…
Security Beyond the Sandbox
A few years ago sandboxing technology really came of age in the security industry. The ability to emulate an environment, detonate a file without risk of infection, and analyze its behavior became quite a handy research tool. Since then, sandboxes have become relatively popular (not nearly on the sa…
Espionage in the Internet Age
If you had asked me a few years ago, I might have predicted that the rise of large scale hacking and network-based Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) would spell the end of old-school espionage (poison-tipped umbrellas, office break-ins, dangles and the like). Those of us who fancy ourselves logical…
Continuous Analysis Yields Continuous Leadership Against Advanced Threats
Organizations today have no shortage of challenges when it comes to cyber security and their growing IT infrastructure. Not only is the frequency and sophistication of malware attacks on the rise, but with the proliferation of mobility, BYOD, IoT, and cloud services; the number of entry points an at…
Remembering the small things: IT Security
There are many tasks and responsibilities of the (lone) IT sysadmin, they are sometimes varied, sometimes monotonous. We know what they are without thinking about them, as if they are unwritten commandments, specific to the IT world. Security has featured greatly in the world news over the past few…
Threat Spotlight: Rombertik – Gazing Past the Smoke, Mirrors, and Trapdoors
This post was authored by Ben Baker and Alex Chiu. Executive Summary Threat actors and security researchers are constantly looking for ways to better detect and evade each other. As researchers have become more adept and efficient at malware analysis, malware authors have made an effort to build mo…
Threat Spotlight: Upatre – Say No to Drones, Say Yes to Malware
This post was authored by Nick Biasini and Joel Esler Talos has observed an explosion of malicious downloaders in 2015 which we’ve documented on several occasions on our blog. These downloaders provide a method for attackers to push different types of malware to endpoint systems easily and effective…