license management

September 23, 2015


Part 2: Why not Initiate a “Save to Invest” Program for your Data Center?

Two weeks ago, in my previous blog, I invited you to consider ways in which you could initiate a “Save to Invest” program for your data center. That is, how can you save money from your current data center spend, in order to re-invest it into currently un- or -under-funded areas of your…

September 9, 2015


Why not Initiate a “Save to Invest” Program for your Data Center? (Part 1)

As a Scot, I have a natural predisposition – almost a gene – for money saving initiatives!  As I’ve been researching new initiatives in my work for Cisco Services over the past few months, I’ve become aware of – for the first time I am ashamed to say in some cases – some huge sinks of your cash in t…