IDC predictions

May 15, 2018


IDC analyst Part 1: How to make multi-cloud work for government

Guest Blogger: Adelaide O’Brien, Research Director, Government Digital Transformation Strategies at IDC Through her work at IDC, Adelaide drives better understanding of the full scope of efforts needed for digital transformation. This includes focusing on innovative technologies like Big Data…

January 28, 2014


IoE and KFC – The Possibilities are Endless

Well, 2013 was a whirlwind and the first month of 2014 has flown by with hypersonic speed.  We are definitely living in very unique and interesting times.  As I reflect on the past year, one obvious theme or revelation always comes to the forefront… and the use of it is the common…

December 17, 2013


Predictions 2014: Wager on the Internet of Everything

You heard it first here: “In 2014, the Internet of Everything (IoE) will accelerate the growth of manufacturing industries to outpace overall U.S. GDP growth by >3x.” As my colleague Jim Grubb points out, the IoE itself is no longer a prediction in-and-of-itself.  The joining of people, process,…