
March 6, 2018


Cybersecurity – The Flipside of Digitization

It used to be science fiction.  Now, it’s real. Hackers can use an unprotected infusion pump on the network as a gateway to your hospital’s data. A staff member might unknowingly download a malicious PDF from an email. Or perhaps a virus has been lurking undetected in your network for some time. The…

February 27, 2018


What are you hoping to get out of HIMSS18? A former clinician’s call to action

Today, I’m Cisco’s national director for healthcare in Canada — but in a former life I was a Registered Nurse. As we approach the biggest Health IT event of the year, I have a few thoughts on the upcoming conference from a clinician’s perspective. Watch this short video to find out: The…

April 18, 2017


Digital Transformation for Healthcare Providers

There continues to be a lot of buzz around digital transformation, but what exactly does it mean in the context of healthcare, and what benefits does it bring to healthcare providers? Starting with the basics, we know that “digital transformation” simply means organizational change via digital techn…

November 11, 2016


Stop Playing the Diagnostic Waiting Game

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. See how digitizing the network connects multiple experts to the patient securely for efficient diagnoses. For most women, it all starts with a call from their doctor that something was abnormal in their routine mammogram. The…

January 28, 2016


Register Now for the Connected Health Summit at HIMSS16

It is my pleasure to announce Cisco’s 9th annual Community for Connected Health Summit at HIMSS16, where you will hear directly from our customers about exciting innovations in care delivery. This popular half-day meeting includes a complimentary lunch and provides a forum for networking and b…