
July 17, 2013


[Cartoon Catalyst Blog Series] K-12 BYOD. Secure Students, Determine Internet Access, and Yet Provide Awesome Network Pe …

So many students, so many devices, yet zero increase in number of IT staffers. The increasingly unbalanced ratio is enough to cause a few nightmares for any IT professional.  Luckily, supporting student IT requirements, while remaining secure, has become a bit simpler with Identity Service Engine (I…

July 3, 2013


[Cartoon Catalyst Blog Series] Why deploy Pervasive Wireless for K-12. Who’s doing it and how.

Is there anything more annoying than a frozen screen?  Imagine a teacher or student trying to utilize wireless technology on campus only to be let down by slow or spotty wireless coverage. School districts cannot leverage a wireless network with performance issues.  Hot spots are no longer good enou…

Cisco Tied for #1 with Google on Greenpeace Cool IT Leaderboard

Greenpeace started evaluating global Information Technology (IT) companies in 2009 because IT companies have a central role to play in enabling a modern, renewable-powered energy infrastructure. The IT sector has the opportunity to drive transformative change in the consumption and production of ene…

December 12, 2012


Bringing Up the Social Media Baby

According to a Nielsen study, social media is no longer in its infancy.  No kidding. During the November military confrontation between Israel and Hamas, social media played a very grown-up role.  What distinguished it from past politically-charged social media exchanges was the participation of sta…

November 19, 2012


Worldwide IPv6 Usage Reaches Key Threshold

This past weekend, Google’s IPv6 Statistics reported that on November 17, 2012, user activity on their websites via native IPv6 reached 1% for the very first time. This may not sound like much at first glance, but for a system like the Internet which is slated to have 19 billion active fixed a…