giving back

August 30, 2018


Litter: The Real Fabric of our Lives?

Every year, Cisco gives each employee 40 hours (an entire work week!) to volunteer, and we can use all of it at once or just a few hours here and there throughout the year. It perhaps goes without saying that employees certainly take advantage of this incredible benefit, and there’s all kinds of way…

April 3, 2018


#Winning: The Best of #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork

Cisco employees wear many hats (literally and figuratively – ha!) Usually your “job description” is a suggestion, as you’re often asked to help different teams in different ways throughout your career. One of the most fun “hats” each year is to be a judge for the #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork employ…

February 1, 2018


Going Bald for St. Baldricks – A Promise Made is a Promise Kept

I am about to go bald. 18” inches of long, crazy purple hair that my colleagues always comment on and know me by will be gone. Seem crazy to you? It gets even crazier.  It’ll all be happening just two days after I’m married. Why the heck would I do that? I’m glad you asked. 🙂 You may have re…

November 14, 2017


Getting Creative About Community!

Cisco is well known for our flexible work environment, so it is not surprising that a large number of our employees work remotely on a regular basis! Working from your favorite coffee shop, avoiding rush hour traffic, increased time at home – the perk list for working remotely is quite lengthy.  Alt…

September 27, 2017


Cisco Was There: A Culture Conversation After Hurricane Irma

Each blog post on Life at Cisco usually tells the story from one employee, but this is a story that needed two viewpoints, so it’s written as a conversation – similar to ones we have every day.  Carmen: Every job requires that you wear a lot of hats. Usually, we put on our social media manager hats…

August 31, 2017


Four Ways Cisco Enables Me to Be Me

As the summer holiday season in Europe has drawn to an end, and I reflect on the time spent relaxing in the sunshine – I’m reminded of the saying; TIME is a gift, use it wisely! I believe Cisco is a great master at enabling us all to use the time we have more effectively. As a full-time marketing st…

August 16, 2017


#CiscoChat – Six Female #CiscoSE Pay it Forward

If you look around, there is a strong push for female recruitment and retention within technology companies. The problem that remains is having a large enough pool of seasoned women for these companies to do their recruiting and retention. Companies are starting to do their part, now we established…

June 27, 2017


Cisco Culture in Four Hashtags

Working allows me to provide for my family, and like for most of us, working isn’t a choice. But where I work and how I engage is my choice.  Cisco chose me and I chose Cisco. I started my career with college summer internships as a programmer for the biggest and most well-known computer company. I…

June 6, 2017


Paws Up for Giving Back with Proteus!

I knew our rescued Dalmatian mix Proteus was something special. What I didn’t realize was the special moments we would be creating as we used our Cisco volunteering hours together after he became a therapy dog. Proteus is the Son of Poseidon, as you may know, from Greek Methodology, and the name def…