
February 17, 2014


Cisco IOx: Real World Benefits

In my previous blog I have attempted to describe some of the distributed computing and data processing challenges that have to be solved in order to release the full potential and value from the Internet of Things, and how Cisco is addressing these challenges by enabling a Fog computing model via Ci…

February 10, 2014


Cisco IOx: Making Fog Real for IoT

As I mentioned in my previous blog, Fog Computing supports emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications that demand real-time response and predictable latency such as industrial automation, transportation, networks of sensors, and actuators. Thanks to its wide geographical distribution, the Fog mo…

January 31, 2014


Back to the Future: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

As information consumers that depend so much on the Network or Cloud, we sometimes indulge in thinking what will happen when we really begin to feel the effects of Moore’s Law and Nielsen’s Law combined, at the edges: the amount of data and our ability to consume it (let alone stream it to the edge)…