CSR best practices
38 degrees – Cold Hands (and Feet), but Warm Heart
This post was written by Rekha Grennan, Director Corporate Affairs — Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy at Cisco I awoke in the middle of the night, exhausted and frozen. The cold rising up through the concrete had permeated every inch of my stiff, sore body. I was fully encapsula…
Seeing the Source: How Blockchain Can Improve Mineral Traceability
This post was written by Maria Gorsuch-Kennedy Senior Manager, Supply Chain Social and Environmental Responsibility at Cisco. At Cisco, we believe that making the world a better place with our technology begins with how that technology is made. Like many companies in the electronics industry, our p…
Data, Privacy and You: How To Manage Data Privacy and Teach It to Children
Last week I was humbled by the opportunity to share my career and my love for the Privacy world with more than 3500 students as part of the Women Rock IT series. Prepping for the presentation was a good moment to sit back and reflect about my professional journey so far and the connection between wh…
Have You Joined the Pledge?
At Cisco, making an impact is something our Corporate Affairs team works toward every day. In 2016, we announced a goal to positively impact one billion people with digital solutions by 2025. Today we are proud to have impacted over 445M people through investing in tomorrow’s social change agents an…