Bringing the Benefits of Big Data to Businesses
As our world becomes more connected, we have access to an increasing volume of data. This is exciting for organizations of all types. For example, retailers can begin to correlate customer data across multiple sources to identity shopping patterns. Utility companies can track usage throughout region…
Cloud Tech Field Day – Everything Cisco Metapod
Tech Field Day covers a wide variety of events such as Mobility Field Day, Storage Field Day, Data Field Day, and now Cloud Field Day. Cisco presented at #CFD1 to a panel of 14 influencers and to a larger audience via live stream on September 14. For those of you who haven’t seen or heard of Tech Fi…
Introducing Cisco HyperFlex for GPU-Accelerated VDI at NVIDIA GTC Amsterdam
NVIDIA is holding the first European edition of its successful GPU Technology Conference next week in Amsterdam. Cisco is excited to participate as a Platinum sponsor. We will have subject-matter experts on hand to talk to you about deep-learning, machine learning, virtualized graphics workstations…
Go to Barcelona. Learn stuff. Come back with a clear conscience.
First off I’ll say this: Kudos to you if you’ve managed to convince your boss that you need to go to Barcelona for the upcoming OpenStack Summit. You’re a better negotiator than I. I’ve gone to the past four consecutive Summits, but this one does not look like it’s going to happen. And honestly I th…
Cloud Going Mainstream: “Getting Ready for the Second Wave” of Cloud Value
By Robert Mahowald, IDC Group Vice President IDC recently surveyed more than 6,159 executive-level IT and LOB decision makers in 31 countries to find out their future plans and current state of cloud adoption. What we discovered is pretty remarkable. According to IDC’s CloudView Survey 2016, 78% of…
New IDC Study: Cloud Grows, But Few Are Maximizing Value
Is your cloud strategy achieving all your business goals? Do you know where you stack up against your peers? Here at Cisco we partnered with IDC in a cloud study of unprecedented scale of over 6,100 organizations to help our customers find exactly that out. Because cloud – private, public or hybrid…
Cisco @ SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 2016: Get Your Philly of Gigabit Broadband, Cloud Video, Virtual Video Distribution, And Mor …
By Daniel Etman It’s that time of the year where pundits from the cable and broadband industry gather at SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 2016. This year we will be in the historic and largest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. While many of us are looking forward Philly Cheesesteaks, we are…
Deploying application tiers across both data center and cloud
So you want to deploy your database tier in the data center with an ACI managed network, and app server and web tiers in the public IaaS cloud? No problem. As applications are getting more complex, IT is getting more savvy about where individual tiers are deployed. With Cisco CloudCenter, you can au…
Tune into the First Ever Cloud Field Day
Tech Field Day covers a wide variety of events such as Mobility Field Day, Storage Field Day, Data Field Day, and now Cloud Field Day. Cisco will be presenting at #CFD1 to a panel of 14 influencers from 1:00 – 3:00 pm PST September 14 . For those of you who haven’t seen or heard of Tech Field…