Cisco Umbrella

March 17, 2017


Addressing Healthcare Security Challenges

It’s a gross understatement to say that security is critical in healthcare, where a breach can not only impact an organization’s effectiveness and reputation but also affect patient privacy and—worst-case scenario—health and safety. If you are reading this blog, you no doubt already know the most co…

March 10, 2017


Threat Roundup for the Week of Mar 6 – Mar 10

Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we’ve observed over the past week. As with our previous threat round-up, this post isn’t meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we’ve observed by highlighting key behavior…

March 2, 2017


Short on Security Resources? Try These Force Multipliers

One in four organizations are exposed for six months or longer due to a lack of qualified security workers. And in Europe almost one-third of cyber security job openings remain unfilled. That’s the challenging picture reported by ISACA at this year’s RSA Conference. You’re thinking, “tell me s…

February 27, 2017


Be the First to Deliver a Secure Network

Written by Monika Gupta, Cloud Security Products team at Cisco We’ve all seen the proliferation of threats across organizations of all sizes. Cyber attacks continue to become more sophisticated and severe, impacting intellectual property, finances, and organizational reputations.  Security is a conc…

February 9, 2017


Introducing Cisco Umbrella, the industry’s first Secure Internet Gateway in the cloud

If your job is anything like mine, you find yourself using a wide range of SaaS-based applications. Today alone, I found myself using, WebEx, Workday, Spark, Office 365, Box, JIRA, Trello, SmartSheets, and Google Docs. And I’m not even counting some of the things I use for fun: Spotif…

January 20, 2017


Effective Endpoint Security – More than Meets the Eye

One of your sales people, Susan, is on the road putting some finishing touches on a presentation before a big meeting. Using the hotel Wi-Fi she does a quick search to see if there’s any relevant company or industry news she needs to know about before meeting with the client. She clicks on several w…

January 19, 2017


The Apparent ‘Cloud Security Paradox’

It is all about security, isn’t it? Take every other customer survey and ‘security’ bubbles up at the very top of most respondents’ concerns. One of the latest data points I can share is part of an IDC cloud study in which security was cited as an important concern. In fact, 48% of respondents are c…

December 13, 2016


#CiscoChampion Radio, S3|Ep. 30: Umbrella Investigate

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re discussing Umbrella Investigate. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode’s download button) View this episode in iTunes Cisco Guest Jeremy Linden, Umbrella Inv…

December 12, 2016


Unleashing IT – Evolution of the Data Center

We are pleased to share this newest edition of Unleashing  IT  which talks about how next generation data centers are drivers of business transformation, orchestration, and success.  It contains 6 thought leader  articles and 2 customer stories providing unique perspectives on business challenges an…