Cisco UCS
Architecture Options for Cisco Desktop Virtualization Solutions
Today Cisco is introducing an expanded architectural portfolio and partner ecosystem in support of our successful desktop virtualization solution built on Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS). Cisco UCS market traction has been phenomenal over the last 3 years. In fact, desktop virtualization has b…
Cisco UCS Delivers a World-Record VMware® VMmark™ 2.5 Benchmark Result
Cisco continues its cloud computing performance leadership with the announcement of VMware® VMmark™ 2.5 benchmark result published on May 9th 2013. The Cisco UCS C240 M3 Rack Server’s score of 12.00@10 tiles on the VMware VMmark 2.5 benchmark represents the best cloud computing performance of any 2-…
Post CA World 2013
The last couple of weeks have been among my most hectic. CA World 2013 was a blast and the return flight from Las Vegas was an adventure in itself with an inebriated co-passenger. Over the weekend I attended a colorful Indian wedding deep in heart of the Austin hill country. Anyone who has been a…
Cisco UCS Delivers Industry-Leading SPECjbb2013 Results
On April 17th, 2013 Cisco announced SPECjbb2013 results with the Cisco UCS C220 M3 Rack Server delivering top SPECjbb2013 MultiJVM 2-socket x 86 performances. Cisco’s results on the SPECjbb®2013 benchmark—41,954 maximum Java operations (max-jOPS) and 16,545 critical Java operations (critical-jOPS)—…
Cisco at CA World 2013
I am writing this from CA World 2013 in Las Vegas where the atmosphere is charged up. The theme for this conference is “Go Big. IT with Impact”. The idea is that IT departments have to think big to make material business impacts and succeed. At the end of the day IT needs to solve business proble…
Cisco UCS – Quintessential Fabric-based computing – Part 3
In Part 1 of this blog series, we looked at Gartner’s definition of Fabric based infrastructure (FBI). In part 2, we explored the benefits of service profiles and automation of server management. In this last installment, we will look into the benefits of fabric extension to virtual machines. Accord…
Cisco and Red Hat Explore Partnership for Red Hat Distribution of OpenStack (RDO)
At the OpenStack Summit 2013, Red Hat announced RDO, a freely available, community-supported distribution of OpenStack. OpenStack is an open source cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter. In addition to the new release,…
Cisco UCS – Quintessential Fabric-based computing – Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog series, I introduced Gartner’s definition of Fabric based infrastructure (FBI). I explained the benefit of data center fabrics with the promise of continuing in a follow on blog. Some readers rightly pointed out to me that I had not yet touched on the automation benefits. Th…
Cisco UCS Delivers the best 2-socket Virtualized SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) Benchmark result in a Linux environment
On March 19th, 2013 Cisco announced the best 2-socket virtualized SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) Benchmark result in a Linux environment with the Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®) delivering high scalability and low latency in virtualized SAP Business Suite deployments. Cisco’s benchmark…