December 18, 2017


Cisco UCS Automation – Part2: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting and Disconnecting using UCS PowerTool

Let’s Connect What’s the hardest part about meeting someone new or going to another country or just interacting with something you are unfamiliar with? Typically, it’s how to start the interaction, how do you connect, stay connected, and reconnect. Sometimes the relationship or the place just…

July 2, 2014


Technology Behind the Surface

What do Walt Disney World, The Matrix, and Big Ben have in common?  On the surface they do not share much.  Each of these is special because everything that makes them tick, pun intended, are hidden from view of the consumers.  We all intuitively know there is a great deal of complexity behind the s…

September 17, 2013


Cisco UCS Management

As Cisco UCS enters a new phase of growth with Cisco’s entry into the top 5-server vendors list, let’s step back and take a look at how we manage infrastructure in the world of Unified Computing. UCS Management is a key ingredient of Cisco’s Unified Data Center, which unifies physical and virt…

May 28, 2013


Cisco UCS in the world of open source computing

A few weeks ago, I was at  Cisco Open Source Conference 2013 – a conference hosted by Cisco where we had speakers from IBM, Canonical, Red Hat and Rackspace, among others.  I learned a lot, specifically about the evolution of Hadoop and the OpenStack project.  As a follow on, I collated differ…

April 3, 2013


Cisco UCS – Quintessential Fabric-based computing – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog series, I introduced Gartner’s definition of Fabric based infrastructure (FBI).  I explained the benefit of data center fabrics with the promise of continuing in a follow on blog.  Some readers rightly pointed out to me that I had not yet touched on the automation benefits. Th…