Cisco Family
What Kept Me Going
I got asked a lot of questions after my last blog post, How I Found My Cisco Family. The most popular seemed to be, “What kept you going?” And every time I heard those words I would have to pause and wonder…could it really be just one thing? Yes, my life was difficult. My mother was a drug addict, w…
Finding My Cisco “Den Mother”
When you start working at Cisco, you quickly realize folks here have their own language. Sure, there’s tech lingo and acronyms galore, but it goes much deeper than that. You hear, quite a bit, in those conversations that people have a “Cisco Family” – and when you first start, you aren’t quite sure…
How I Found My Cisco Family
In early June – right in the middle of Q4 – I got one of the most earth shattering phone calls that a person could receive…my mother had passed away. In a moment that is a complete blur, I had no words. There was no plan for this. I had no idea what to do. I just remember falling to the floor…
We Are Cisco, and We Are There for Each Other
Penang, Malaysia. A beautiful city and an exciting opportunity for the whole Human Resources team in the Asia Pacific, Japan and China regions to come together to learn from each other, grow together and volunteer together. And I had to miss it. While the rest of my team was going to be bonding and…
Team Donates Blood To Support Their Cisco Family
Folks at Cisco don’t “hijack” blood donation trucks unless there’s a very good reason. If helping a colleague cope with the loss of her father and honoring his last wishes isn’t a good reason, then we don’t know what is. One of the members of the Digital Strategy Enablement (DSE) team recently lost…