Cisco CSR
Cisco Volunteers Help Stop Hunger before the Holidays
This Thanksgiving, many of us will celebrate with our friends and family. We’ll gather and enjoy roasted turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, and a slice of grandma’s pumpkin pie for dessert. Unfortunately, 805 million around the world don’t have enough to eat. Last week, I learned that we can change tha…
When Giving Gets Going: Cisco’s 48-Hour Race with Second Harvest
This week, Cisco was named the winner of Second Harvest Food Bank’s 48-Hour Virtual Race to End Hunger. Raising money – just over $216,000 for this year’s race – to support our neighbors in need and at risk of food insecurity is now a signature part of our participation in the Cisco Global H…
Cisco Employees Race to End Hunger in India
“There is no better expenditure of money and it’s really important for these kids to stay in school and learn. I love this program; this is one of the finest commitments ever made in the 10 years history of Clinton Global Initiative.” How beautiful and true these words are from former U.S. President…
Cisco Employees Race to End Hunger in China
Even before I started with Cisco, I was an active volunteer and had a focus on increasing educational access in rural China. After I joined Cisco, I quickly connected with the Civic Council to continue my passion for giving back. Civic Councils are teams of employees who plan volunteer events, devel…
Humanitarian Organizations Collaborate to Impact the World
Last week, more than 200 leaders from dozens of technology companies and international humanitarian and conservation organizations came together at the NetHope Global Member Summit on our San Jose, California campus. Experts in humanitarian relief, emergency response, and conservation from around th…
Cisco Employee Volunteers Help a Texas Family Rebuild
Within 24 hours of the deadly fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas almost 2 years ago, Cisco’s Community Relations team had already committed to help residents impacted by the devastation and contacted me in Cisco’s Richardson office. Within another month, we decided to partner with Waco Habita…
Proud to Be a Military Friendly Company
On Veterans Day, I want to acknowledge and honor the men and women who have served in the U.S. armed forces … as well as the families, friends, and coworkers who have supported them. Cisco is a military friendly company and we are proud to be recognized today as a Military Friendly® Employer by Vict…
Cisco is a Top Silicon Valley Corporate Philanthropist
Last week, Cisco was once again named a top corporate philanthropist by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. Cisco ranked #2 with US$19.2 million in contributions to Silicon Valley nonprofits and community organizations — just $240,000 behind the #1 corporate donor, the Sobrato Organization. B…
Humanitarian Organizations Address Tech’s Role in Solving Global Challenges
This week, we are proud to host the NetHope Global Member Summit at our San Jose, California campus. NetHope is an important organization – especially at a time when news feeds are filled with stories about disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and social conflict. NetHope is a coalition of more tha…