Global Hunger Relief

Cisco’s Inaugural Be the Bridge Campaign Raises Millions to Change the World

Every day, there are millions in need in our communities and around the world– a mother who is not able to feed her children before putting them to bed; a child who is not able to attend school because of open wounds on his or her body; a family without housing because of war and conflict in their c…

Be the Bridge, Change a Life

Every day, we have the opportunity to make the world a better a place. Here at Cisco, we take that opportunity to heart and find ways to multiply the impact we can make. For the past 15 years, Cisco has helped raise more than $40 million and deliver nearly 160 million meals as part of its global hun…

Cisco’s Be the Bridge Campaign Empowers Employees to Change the World

For the past 15 years, Cisco’s helped raise more than $40 million and deliver nearly 160 million meals as part of its global hunger relief efforts. We’ve changed millions of lives, and now, we’re expanding our impact beyond the global hunger crisis. Every day, a lack of shelter, ac…

Cisco Volunteers Help Stop Hunger before the Holidays

This Thanksgiving, many of us will celebrate with our friends and family. We’ll gather and enjoy roasted turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, and a slice of grandma’s pumpkin pie for dessert. Unfortunately, 805 million around the world don’t have enough to eat. Last week, I learned that we can change tha…

November 10, 2014


Fighting the Tragedy of Hunger

In Silicon Valley – home to one of the greatest economic engines in the world – there is a silent tragedy that affects more than 250,000 people every month – and that’s hunger. Hunger doesn’t discriminate. It affects the young and the old, families of every size, shape and background.  The challenge…

December 20, 2012


The Local Face of Global Hunger

Hunger reveals itself in different ways in different corners of the globe: In India, where 43 percent of the country’s children are underweight, students line up in their school cafeteria for what may be their only meal of the day. In the United Kingdom, people are exchanging vouchers for food at l…