Cisco cloud
Introducing Cisco’s Global Intercloud
In 2011, Cisco’s Chief Information Officer Rebecca Jacoby established CITEIS, a ‘private cloud’ designed to more quickly, more flexibly and more cost-effectively give our employees the I.T. resources they need to do their jobs. CITEIS has reduced the time it takes to provision compute, storage and n…
Cisco Cloud Services Opens New Opportunities for Partners
The market is moving fast and the pace of change is dramatic. The days of partners launching new services into the market every 6-12 months are gone. Customers are expecting new applications almost daily that will allow them to deliver innovation, increase top line revenue and accelerate productivit…
#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep1: InterCloud, Cloud in 2014
Welcome to #CiscoChampion Radio, a podcast series by and for Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about Cisco’s InterCloud announcement and where Cloud is going in 2014. Listen to the Podcast. Featured Guests: Cisco Champions: Er…
Lifestreaming in the Personal Cloud Era
Technology is changing the world at an ever increasing rate. The exponential jumps in processing power, mobile technologies, storage, and connection speeds are facilitating a whole new suite of possibilities. We are beginning to see the creation and realities of new connected experiences that allow…
“Has Hybrid Cloud Arrived? Part 2: Cisco InterCloud makes hybrid cloud real !
In my last blog, “Has Hybrid Cloud Arrived? Part 1: And How Will it Shape the Role of IT Going Forward?” we looked at the business drivers of a hybrid cloud and previewed the key requirements. In this blog, we will look at Cisco InterCloud – a hybrid cloud solution, we announced this week at Cisco L…
Cloud for Local Government Global Blog Series, Be an Agent of Change in Your Organization: Embark on the Cloud Journey
Great challenges can bring great opportunities to any business, and with the inevitability of cloud on the horizon, IT organizations will need to embrace this change. Taking the first, second or even third step can be scary, but the return on taking such risks will pay off so long as the IT organiza…
3 Steps to Prepare Your Network for Cloud
Since the release of the last Cisco Global Cloud Index, cloud computing has evolved from an emerging technology to an established network solution. Cisco Global Cloud Index (GCI) Forecast for 2011-2016 reveals new insights and visibility into emerging trends affecting data centers and cloud architec…