Cisco Certification
Cisco Certifications
IT Certifications are Popular! Hiring Managers are looking at candidates who have experience on the current technology they are hiring for, as well as their certification credentials. This helps them get a better picture of their abilities. Being a certified technician or engineer answers a few ques…
Book Review : CCIE Security v4.0 Practice Labs by Natalie Timms
I have been studying for my CCIE Security since late last year, with a short hiatus after Cisco Live due to health issues – more on that in a later post. When I saw that Natalie Timms – former manager for the CCIE Security exam program, was writing a book focused on practical labs for th…
Crucible and Chrysalis: The personal value of the expert-level certification process
Introduction The choice to begin pursuing an expert-level certification is often made lightly. After experiencing the training, study and testing process of the associate-level and the professional-level certifications, it is understandable to expect that the expert level is more of the same; more a…
#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep4: Cisco Certifications
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about Cisco Certifications. Listen to the Podcast Featured Guests: Cisco Champion: Stephen Rodriguez (@WiFiJanitor) Cisco Subject Matter Experts: Antonell…
Two Million Career Certifications, 20 Years Strong
Cisco began issuing certifications in 1993 to distinguish the best of breed Internetwork experts worldwide. As technology has made extraordinary advancements over the years, the Cisco certification program has continually kept learners up-to-date while addressing the growing skills gap in networking…