broadband connectivity
Equity and Access: How to Bring All Voices at the Table
Ymasumac Marañón Davis is an educational consultant, intuitive life coach and author. This blog is the second in a series around access. All thoughts are her own. Recently, a local school asked me to assess their climate in preparation for implementing new professional development methods that woul…
The Connection between Long Ski Centre Queues and the Cloud: The Service Provider Internet of Things Opportunity
Back in 2010, not long after I started blogging here on, I discussed some of the challenges customers were fearing regarding the feasibility of cloud adoption. In my market research work, the survey I ran back in 2010 came up with some interesting concerns: that lack of bandwidth and inter…
Connecting Every School in America To High – Speed broadband
In every school district in America today, educators are faced with a simple, yet critically important, question. How do we obtain, implement, and integrate transformative technology into all of our schools and classrooms? Some districts have embraced technology and put mobile and collaborative dev…