Amy Chang
Cognitive Collaboration: The Future is Here
Enterprise Connect, the Super Bowl of Collaboration, kicked off this week! In full swing, vendors are sharing their best efforts, with this week’s news focused on the power of integrated platforms. If any vendor isn’t moving at lightning speed in this direction, they’re about to be blown away. Bu…
Top 3 Collaboration Highlights From CiscoPS18
What has us excited after Partner Summit 2018 It’s been three weeks since we wrapped up Partner Summit in Las Vegas and I am still buzzing from all of the energy and excitement from that week. For those of you that attended in person or joined us virtually, I hope you are still feeling it too. With…
Amy Chang is Building Bridges: America’s Top 50 Women in Tech
Everyone here at Cisco is overjoyed at the recent announcement that Amy Chang, our Senior Vice President in the Collaboration Technology Group, has been named one of America’s “Top 50 Women in Tech” by Forbes. You can read the story here. The great thing about this list is that to even qualify for n…