21st Century Government
Intelligent Communities Global Blog Series, Does Innovation Destroy Jobs?
The Intelligent Community Forum just completed its annual summit, which celebrates the Top 7 most intelligent communities in the world. These are the global leaders who have already made investments in broadband and in community building — and who are now looking to see how they can build on…
RSA Conference 2013: I Am Security
Here I sit… In Mel’s Drive-In Diner, San Francisco, CA. I just inhaled the “El Ranchero Americano”, which I am sure to regret later, and am enjoying tunes from yester-year complete with Doo-Wop and Presley. You may ask, “Why do I care…?” Well, before this turns into an episode with Anthony Bourdain…
Cisco Connected Government: Helping Heroes
As I wind down and get ready for Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so many people in my life. At Cisco, I have the opportunity to work with amazing people around the world dedicated to helping others. These people are the heroes who help, teach, heal, serve, and protect us. At Cisco, we believe it is…