#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking with Cisco Technical Marketing Engineers Paul O’Dwyer, Bryan Morris, and Seongho Hong, about Cisco Jabber. Kim Austin (@ciscokima) moderates and Erick Bergquist and Bill Carter are this week’s Cisco Champion guest hosts.
Listen to the Podcast.
Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.
Cisco SMEs
Paul O’Dwyer, @podatjabberweb, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer
Bryan Morris, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer
Seongho Hong, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer
Cisco Champions
Bill Carter, @ccie5022, Senior Business Communications Analyst
Erick Bergquist, @erickbe, Senior Engineer
What is Jabber
Origins of Jabber and how it evolved
Advantages of Jabber
Jabber deployment tips
Version 10.5 and the new Jabber interface
Video Calling and its use cases
Jabber and Cisco Expressway
Jabber Web SDK
Jabber Product Page
CommsNinja The marketing info on Jabber: http://www.cisco.com/web/products/voice/jabber.html
JabberNinja Or just … www.cisco.com/go/jabber
Perkzilla Not even 10 minutes into it and we already have Ninjas fighting….
WackoRobie We have been working on it but onsite POC has been our hold up.
erickbe whats holding the POC up?
acheltenham this might seem like a stupid question … I am sure i heard there is a jabber cloud solution … is this correct
erickbe it’s WebEx Connect
JabberNinja Correct, acheltenham…
JabberNinja it’s actually WebEx Messenger…
bryanatcisco Connect was the client
erickbe Ahh
bryanatcisco so Connect only connect to WebEx messenger
bryanatcisco Jabber can connect to WebEx messenger OR Cisco Presence server
JabberNinja @erickbe… no kidding… wow…
acheltenham ok understand now
JabberNinja @erickbe… did you know they are asking for old Cisco stuff to create a museum?
erickbe i forgot about CUPC
acheltenham i currently will have to deploy to users in china
acheltenham is there any known issues the cloud service working there with all the restrictions
CommsNinja I can follow up offline and get back to you with more info on that.
acheltenham sweet
acheltenham thannx
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