When I meet with partners around the globe, I hear a steady drum beat that sounds like this: Customers are shifting their focus from “make my network work” to “give me operational outcomes.” This is a clear sign that customers are moving from an IT-centric view of networking to a business-centric view of the value that networking enables. In short, customers now expect services tied to business outcomes.
This is good news for several reasons. First, this outcomes-based market is much bigger than the support market. Second, services delivery will increasingly rely on centralized, non-labor-based tools and assets. (My boss likes to remind customers that we can no longer service a car without software.) What do these changes mean for those of us in services? The answer is clear: From here on, success in network life cycle services will require tools, resources, and intellectual capital-based assets. And I assure you that there are many lucrative services opportunities worth exploring. This is especially true for those of you willing to expand your services practice with software-enabled services. – which is exactly what I want to take up in this second installment of my blog series.
Let me explain.
Our industry is evolving from people-centric services to software-enabled services.1 This is why our partner services strategy builds on our software-enabled Smart Services portfolio. These services start with automated capabilities that collect network diagnostic data, which is then analyzed and compared to Cisco’s deep knowledge base to provide actionable insight into customer networks. This insight can take several forms:
- Assessing the state of the network and devices
- Optimizing network performance
- Improving operational efficiency
- Simplifying and automating ongoing operations.
Cisco continues to expand our Smart Services portfolio through software-enabled capabilities to address customer needs through partners like you. Here are several examples:
Cisco Compliance Management and Configuration Service (CMCS) focuses specifically on addressing critical compliance and configuration needs across customers’ networks. It provides an efficient, effective way to manage risk and maintain compliance.
Cisco ServiceGrid is an integration platform that reduces the complexity of multivendor cloud environments. Its “connect once, connect to all” approach makes it easier and faster to onboard new external service providers. By automating business processes and the exchanging of support information, ServiceGrid means customers won’t need as many phone calls and emails to solve issues.
Cisco EnergyWise is a software-defined, cloud-based energy management solution that lets organizations monitor, analyze, and control energy use for all network-connected devices and systems across the enterprise, including those in distributed offices and data centers.
These are just a few of the ways we expanding our services portfolio to help you take advantage of valuable opportunities. Cisco Services is transforming, and we want you on board with us. Start thinking about how you can incorporate services likes these into your business. Then contact your account rep or visit our partner services website to explore our services portfolio and programs.
1 In this online seminar, I discuss this and related Services trends with Chris Barnard, IDC AVP EMEA Network Life Cycle Services, and Leslie Rosenberg, IDC Research Manager, Worldwide Network Life Cycle Services.
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