
In addition to having the coolest name for a generation in decades, millennials are a huge target market for our partners and their customers. Our ISV partners like Turnstyle are helping customer tap into that market by building Wi-Fi marketing platforms and programs. Recently, they figured out how to bring the younger generation into a chain of convenience stores in Canada. Free Wi-Fi and candy bars.

Turnstyle says…

Mondelēz International teamed up with convenience store industry powerhouse, Couche-Tard (Mac’s), to run a 90-day Wi-Fi marketing pilot program. Their goal was to drive penetration with millennials and find unique and relevant ways to reach them with high impulse products in the moments leading up to a purchase. They wanted to learn how to effectively grab their attention and then keep them engaged and coming back.

Our cloud-based Wi-Fi marketing platform, powered by Cisco Meraki access points, allowed the two retail giants to successfully map, analyze, and market to customers, generating a considerable increase in revenue and customer loyalty. We were able to help Mac’s & Mondelēz uncover invaluable information about their customers and deliver highly contextual offers and rewards to drive increased traffic and purchases.

Over 3,244 customers opted-in to the program over a 31-day period and a 14% increase in customers redeeming coupons. Altogether, customers returned to their local Mac’s 25% more frequently than they had before the campaign.

Thanks, Turnstyle!

If you’ve been to a partner ecosystem event, you may have bumped into Turnstyle. They’re taking full advantage of our partner ecosystem and working with traditional resellers to rack up a list of satisfied customers with great sales results.

For more information on Turnstyle, visit: www.getturnstyle.com

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