
Cisco Partners Weekly Rewind Banner-650

Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco Partner Ecosystem news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here’s what you might have missed this week:

Off the Top

Happy Friday all. We’re still getting back into the groove of things around here after Cisco Partner Summit 2016.

If you weren’t able to go or follow live, be sure to check out our partner blog coverage from the big week and stop by Cisco SalesConnect for on-demand recordings of sessions.

Capture Revenue Through Expand Selling

Hard to believe, but we haven’t really done too many video blogs, or ‘Vlogs’ as the cool kids call them. I was happy to see marketing director Kelly Crothers send one my way for this week.

Kelly uses the video to tell partners how they can use ‘Expand Selling’ to capture new revenue. Watch Kelly in action to learn more.

Be sure to let her know what you think in the comment section of her vlog. Thanks Kelly!

In the News

Good Reads

Keep an Eye Out: Partner Promotions, Updates, Events and More…