Executive Platform

December 10, 2014


How ‘Data’ and ‘Process’ Are Reshaping the Future Workforce

The sheer size, variety, and speed of data traversing today’s networks are increasing exponentially. This highly distributed data is generated by a wide range of cloud and enterprise applications, websites, social media, computers, smartphones, sensors, cameras, and much more — all coming in differe…

December 10, 2014


Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire Neohapsis

Today, businesses are looking at security in a strategic, comprehensive way to protect mission critical processes and assets. There has never been a greater need to understand the impact that security threats can have on a company’s bottom line. For these reasons, experienced security advice is now…

December 5, 2014


Protecting Innovation

In the thirteen years I’ve been General Counsel of Cisco, I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve initiated suit against a competitor, supplier or customer. It’s therefore only after thoughtful and serious consideration that we are today filing two lawsuits to stop Arista’s repeated and pe…

November 26, 2014


Cloud-based IT Energy Management – The Power to Save

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) in the U.K requires more than 7,000 large enterprises to undertake an energy audit at sites that make up the majority of their total energy use. Initiatives like this are now commonplace across the public and private sectors as growth in web-based service…

November 26, 2014


The Internet of Everything: Catalyst for Change

I just returned from Moscow where I had the honor of speaking to more than 3,400 customers and partners attending Cisco Connect Russia and separately addressing 300 eager undergraduates at Kazan Federal University (KFU) in Tatarstan on what we call the Internet of Everything (IoE) Our studies show t…

November 21, 2014


Creating a More Secure Internet

Trust is a fundamental requirement for people to use the Internet with confidence, and Cisco continues to find opportunities to make the Internet even more secure. I am happy to share that we are a founding sponsor of a new public benefit consortium called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG)…

November 19, 2014


Cisco Shares Workforce Diversity Data

In Cisco’s 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report released today, you will find a more complete perspective on the gender, ethnicity, and seniority make up of our company – in the United States and globally. While we have shared information about the diversity of our workforce since 2005, the r…

November 19, 2014


Cisco Releases Tenth Annual CSR Report

I am pleased to announce that Cisco has released its tenth annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report. The 2014 Cisco CSR Report outlines our strategy to use our expertise, technology, and partnerships for social, environmental, and business impact. Each day, people around the world face ma…

November 18, 2014


Innovation Can Come From Anywhere

Innovation can be an overused word, but it’s a hot topic for a reason. The pace of change compels businesses, large and small, to reinvent themselves. Cisco’s innovation strategy is multifaceted and focuses our efforts both internally and externally. Last week we announced a new Cisco IoE Innovation…