Executive Platform

January 19, 2016


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is Still About People and Trust

This week, I’ll navigate Davos with hundreds of global business and government leaders to tackle the opportunities and obligations we have to improve the state of the world. The theme for this year, “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” could not hit closer to home. Klaus Schwab of WEF has d…

January 6, 2016


A Great Day at Cisco

There is a cultural evolution happening at Cisco, driven by our business, our innovation and technology, and most importantly, our people. It is being shaped by feedback from our employees and it is helping us define who we aspire to be as a company. It starts with Our People Deal, which is simply t…

January 5, 2016


AT&T & Cisco Team to Build Smart Cities

As world populations migrate to urban areas, cities are often faced with new challenges, such as overcrowding, traffic congestion, pollution, resource constraints, and inadequate infrastructure, amid the desire for continuing economic growth. To help address these challenges and identify new growth…

December 17, 2015


Analytics: Building a Winning Strategy in Manufacturing

Machinery, supply chains, and raw materials have always been core concerns in manufacturing. Today, another asset is just as critical — data. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt said it well: “The industrial world is changing dramatically, and those companies that make the best use of d…

December 9, 2015


A Defining Moment for IoT and Digitization

In the next few years we will reflect on the third annual Internet of Things World Forum (IoTWF) this week and realize that 2015 was the inflection point for the Internet of Things (IoT) and digitization. Leaders from around the world convened in Dubai this week, all witnessed real solutions that ar…

December 8, 2015


Hollywood Got Collaboration Right

If you’ve ever tried to dial in to a conference call from the school’s carpool lane after dropping off your kids and ended up with the other parents honking at you while you tried to join, you won’t recognize Hollywood’s version of collaboration. On TV shows, no one is ever searching for a conferenc…

December 4, 2015


Boston Consulting Group Names Cisco to its Top 50 Most Innovative Companies List

I’m pleased and proud to report that Cisco was named this week as one of the Top 50 Most Innovative Companies by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). This marks the third year in a row that we’ve been included on this prestigious list alongside other industry innovators like Apple, Google, and Tesla.…

December 4, 2015


As Manufacturers Go Digital, Customer Value Expands

Every single day, I’m reminded that a digital revolution is taking place—from researching local coffee places on the dashboard of my car to ordering coffee on my mobile device—it’s clear that our lives are becoming more digitized. This is also apparent for the businesses and industries that manufact…

December 3, 2015


Executing on Our Vision and Strategy: The Future of Networking for an Application Centric World

We shared our vision for the future of networking over a year and a half ago. Today, we continue to execute on our vision and strategy. Our customers and partners continue to derive the value of these innovations to the fullest potential. We are extending our leadership in SDN with the most complete…