Cisco teams up with Samsung to make the promise of Wi-Fi 6 a reality
Like 5G for mobile carrier networks, Wi-Fi 6 is the next-generation wireless standard and represents a quantum leap forward for connectivity. And as with all new standards, there were inevitable gaps that showed up in development; unforeseen challenges that can only be unearthed through trial and er…
New Perspectives on Software-Defined WAN
The integration of Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) with cloud management functionality into the Cisco family of routers in 2018 excited many of our customers. Instantly over a million installed Cisco ISR and ASR routers could be upgraded to become SD-WAN capable, improving application…
Extending Intent-Based Networking Across Domains
Networks are more business critical than ever, and segmentation is becoming the key to ensuring their security. Segmentation allows users and things access to the right applications and data, while preventing lateral movement of threats. It needs to work across all network domains, from wherever the…
Improved performance and pay-as-you-go in Microsoft Azure
Posted on behalf of contributing author: Travis Carlson Travis has worked in networking and telecommunications for 10 years with experience in device programmability, routing, Network Function virtualization (NFV), Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. In Enterprise Routi…
The Legacy Continues with a Modern Classic
With the ISR 900 Series, Cisco continues a 26 year pedigree. 1993 was a much simpler time. A gallon of gas cost $1.16. The Space Shuttle was still flying. Beanie Babies were launched. Intel introduced the Pentium processor to power Windows 3.1. Jurassic Park and Mrs. Doubtfire were leading the box o…
Cisco and Corning: Wireless Network Success
With over 165 years in material sciences, Corning has pretty much seen it all. But when they wanted to create a wireless network that will propel them into their future, they turned to the one company that could do it right, Cisco. Corning needed a network that could support a massive amount of band…
Delivering Consistency, Agility, and Operational simplicity across Enterprise domains
Co-author: Srini Jasti, Sr. Product Manager – Enterprise Switching Enterprises are demanding more and more from their networks even with reducing budgets and increasing complexity. Today, IT teams are looking for effective, simpler solutions to deploy and operate their networks. Many are already won…
Wi-Fi 6 Powers Real-World Wireless Enterprise Applications
Simplifying a complex technology is always a worthwhile process, even when it just involves a naming convention. For example, now we can stop trying to remember an alphabet soup of numbers and letters like 802.11ax and can simply say Wi-Fi 6. While the name change is welcome, it’s the innovations th…
Real-life Cisco DNA Superheroes
Who is your favorite superhero? Is it the iconic Spider-Man/Peter Parker whose “good guy” demeanor is undeniable? Or is it Iron Man/Tony Stark who uses his gift of intelligence to not only save himself, but to help protect the world? It may be hard to pick just one since each hero has a unique perso…

Multidomain Architecture
Make your intent-based network do more with a multidomain architecture—by integrating your networking domains and creating a true, enterprise-wide intent-based network.

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