When? Thursday, August 8, 2013 @ 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (EDT)
Where? Twitter Chat
The explosive growth in mobility is transforming the ways in which we live, learn, play and, in particular, work. Every dimension of our business lives stands to change: whom we work with and when, where, how, and why we work — all will be impacted.
The ultimate goal of business mobility is to drive increased productivity, heightened customer experience, and harmonious work-life balance. Business mobility offers freedom for knowledge workers beleaguered by accelerating demands on their time and talents; with it, they can take control of their success at work while protecting their personal lives. And, increasingly, it is the knowledge workers themselves who are driving these sweeping changes in the workplace.
But how can service providers and enterprises embrace the disruption?
Join us this Thursday, August 8th at 10am PST/1pm EST for a TweetChat on how next-generation knowledge workers are accelerating the disruption in business mobility. Follow #CiscoYourWay to join in on the discussion. I’ll be tweeting from my own handle @Spain_Chris.
In this 45-minute session, Cisco executives Kit Beall, Chris Osika and I will share our insights into how service providers and enterprises can seize the opportunity at this crucial inflection point. We will refer to data obtained via our global Cisco® Consulting Services survey conducted earlier this year. Comprising of 4,800 respondents from eight countries in developed and emerging markets alike, it is one of the largest and most comprehensive studies of the needs, interests, and behaviors of end users of business mobility.
Mark Lowenstein, a leading wireless industry executive, influencer, advisor, and commentator, will moderate the conversation and facilitate a “Questions & Answers” session from the audience.
To attend and participate, log onto Twitter or TweetChat.com and follow the hashtag #CiscoYourWay. Questions can be submitted via @reply to the following participants below and must include the #CiscoYourWay hashtag. Look forward to chatting on Thursday!
For more information, follow me on Twitter: @Spain_Chris
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