Possible Cisco Champions 2Are you passionate about Cisco’s networking technology?  You know, routing, switching, mobility and more? Run for routers? Swoon over 11ac? Named your turtle Captain Catalyst? Do you love sharing your knowledge? Do you want unique access to Cisco experts? Today is your lucky day my friend!


I’m excited to announce the call for nominations for the all-new Cisco Champions for Enterprise Networks!


From now until January 10, 2014, please nominate yourself, a friend, a mentor, a luminary in the community or your favorite awesome person for inclusion in this program.  


Here is what’s in it for you (aside from Internet fame, adulation, and people rushing the stage at your next speaking session*) :http://www.cisco.com/go/ciscochampions


Submit your nomination today to cisco_champions@external.cisco.com! Be sure to mention “Enterprise Networks” in your nomination, so it will be routed correctly. All Cisco Champions for Enterprise Networks will be selected and alerted no later than January 17, 2013.


Here are some examples of things you might include… but they are not necessary:
  • Twitter handle
  • Blog
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Years in the industry
  • Favorite IOS command or network protocol


PS: Holy Mackerel!  If you have slight déjà vu reading this blog, that’s because the majority of it was ripped from Amy Lewis’ blog on this program for Data Center.  She gave me permission, swearsies!