
Today’s news of the cyberattack affecting healthcare organizations—including the National Health Service (NHS)—in the UK, is sobering. Sources are reporting that the ransomware attack has “crippled the health system’s ability to treat patients.” Thousands of non-emergency appointments have been canceled, and ambulances have been diverted to other facilities, leading the NHS to declare the attack a “major incident.”

NHS employees attempting to log on to computers Friday were met with a pop-up message stating, “Oops, your files have been encrypted!” The hackers are demanding 415,000 pounds ($534,146) before May 19 or they claim they will delete the files.

The attack later spread to dozens of other countries and all types of businesses, according to the New York Times.

Ransomware isn’t a new phenomenon; it’s been around since about 2005. However, hackers themselves have evolved significantly. The “hacker economy” – estimated to be worth about $1 trillion – is more advanced than you might think. Today, cybercrime is organized crime. New methods of digital trickery are introduced almost daily, many that would fool even the most skeptical user. The ransomware attack on the NHS Friday was reported to be a particularly dangerous variant called the Wanna Decryptor.

Reports indicate that the malware exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft systems and may have links to the National Security Agency in the US. Microsoft created a patch for the vulnerability back in March, but hackers took advantage of the fact that “soft targets” like hospitals hadn’t implemented it yet.

“In healthcare and other sectors we tend to be very slow to address these vulnerabilities,” says Lee Kim, the director of privacy and security at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). “But whoever is behind this is clearly extremely serious.”

For an in depth, technical analysis of the attacks, read the blog by Talos, Cisco’s industry-leading threat intelligence team.

Staying informed of new threats and attacks is a daunting task—but a serious one, especially where patients are involved. Interested in implementing a plan that protects your patients’ well-being? Read our new white paper about cybersecurity strategies for healthcare organizations.